Consultancy Services and Certifications

Our consulting processes

GAP Analysis

Companies employ a gap analysis to compare their existing performance to their intended, expected performance. This study is performed to see if a firm is achieving expectations and making good use of its resources.

Awareness Training

Awareness training is a part, designed to educate consumers and workers understand their responsibility in preventing data security breaches. Employees benefit from awareness training because it helps them comprehend dangers and recognize possible threats.

Documentation Support

ISO makes documents with required standards, specifications, guidelines, or characteristics. These can consistently be used by companies and ensure that materials, products, processes, and services are suitable for their purpose.

Internal Audit Training

Internal auditor Training will be provided to the Identified personnel. This training will equip such personnel to analyze the need for Internal auditor, Plan, and schedule Internal auditor, prepare audit checklists, and conduct an Internal auditor and to document and report their observations to the top management.

Internal Audit

An impartial service that evaluates an organization's internal controls, corporate practices, procedures, and methodologies is known as internal audit. Internal audits assist in ensuring compliance with numerous regulations that apply to a company.

External Audit

An external audit is the final step before obtaining your ISO certification. The auditor will ensure your documentation meets all the requirements of the standard. He or she will also make sure that all procedures and processes are correctly followed. Depending on the findings, the auditor will either recommend you be granted your certification or require corrective actions before you can be accredited.

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